Memory Disorders Program

The Georgetown University Memory Disorders Program is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art clinical services for individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders and to conducting research aimed at improving treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease.
The Program
R. Scott Turner, MD, PhD directs the Memory Disorders Program, which has an interdisciplinary staff of neurologists, nurse practitioners, a neuropsychologist, as well as research faculty and staff, who work together to provide quality care to patients and their families. Dr. Paul Aisen founded the Memory Disorders Program at Georgetown University Medical Center in 1999. Recruited from Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, Dr. Aisen created one of the first programs in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area that focuses on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.
The Memory Disorders Program, part of the Department of Neurology at Georgetown University Medical Center, provides clinical services and conducts research studies. Patients may utilize the clinic services for evaluation, treatment, and follow up care. Additionally, they offer patients the opportunity to participate in a variety of research studies, including studies of novel treatments and new diagnostic methods.
For More Information
For detailed information about currently enrolling trials and for study team contact information please visit their website.