
Advarra/Forte is a participant compensation system in use by Georgetown University Medical Center. The Advarra system enables specific studies to compensate participants enrolled in clinical trials to receive reimbursements or payments compensating them for the time and effort spent on their involvement in the clinical trial. This is managed by the clinical research team through an electronic portal that uses a payment card (the visa as pictured here). The study team will explain the system to the participant and distribute the cards to the participants as well. The study team will be able to pick an agreed-upon # of cards at the Clinical Research Operations Office in the Med Dent building suite NW#213, by appointment. You may request the appointment once the forms have been submitted and approved. In order to submit a request for an Advarra account, the following forms must be submitted to Eve Sakran ( ):
- Account request form- attached here . This form must be signed by the Principal Investigator, the financial administrator, and the submitter. The form is not accepted without these signatures.
- Informed Consent Form (ICF): This form must be IRB approved and reflect the appropriate amounts of reimbursement/payment.